Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank Solution Python

Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank solution Python
Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank Solution Python

Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank Solution Python

You are given a positive integer N.
Your task is to print a palindromic triangle of size N .

For example, a palindromic triangle of size % is:


You can’t take more than two lines. The first line (a for-statement) is already written for you.
You have to complete the code using exactly one print statement.

Using anything related to strings will give a score of 0.
Using more than one for-statement will give a score of 0.

Input Format

A single line of input containing the integer N.


  • 0<N<10

Output Format

Print the palindromic triangle of size  as explained above.

Sample Input


Sample Output



#Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank solution Python
for i in range(1,int(input())+1): #More than 2 lines will result in 0 score. #Do not leave a blank line also
#Triangle Quest 2 Hackerrank solution Python

Here’s how the code works:

  1. The first line reads an integer input from the user using the input() function and converts it to an integer using int(). This integer represents the number of lines in the triangular pattern to be printed.
  2. The range() function generates a sequence of integers from 1 up to the value of the input integer. The for loop iterates over each integer in this sequence.
  3. The first expression inside the print() function calculates the value of (10^i – 1)/9, which is a mathematical formula for a string of i consecutive 1’s. For example, if i is 3, then the expression evaluates to (10^3 – 1)/9 = 111.
  4. The second expression inside the print() function squares the result of the first expression, which gives the desired triangular pattern. For example, if i is 3, then the expression evaluates to 111^2 = 12321.
  5. The print() function outputs the result of the second expression, which is the corresponding line of the triangular pattern.

So, in summary, the code generates a sequence of integers from 1 to the input value, calculates a string of consecutive 1’s using a mathematical formula, squares the result to form the triangular pattern, and outputs each line of the pattern using the print() function.

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